
As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.  1 Peter 4:10

Where have you been called to serve?

For Ministry Contacts, click HERE. 

Faith Formation & Evangelization

Faith Formation & Evangelization – The Faith Formation and Evangelization Ministry addresses the spiritual needs of the parish by supporting, planning, and providing opportunities for every person to encounter and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. This ministry consists of the following committees: Adult Faith Formation, Sacramental Preparation, Christian Initiation for Adults, Welcome Committee, and Youth Faith Formation. Click on the name of the ministry for additional information.


Liturgy & Worship

Liturgy & Worship – The Liturgy and Worship Ministry is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating parish prayer and worship at Resurrection in accordance with diocesan policies and directives. This ministry is composed of the Pastor, the Music Coordinator, and the liturgical leads. Click on the name of the ministry for additional information.


Operations & Facilities

Operations & Facilities – The Operations and Facilities Ministry is responsible for the smooth operation of Resurrection Catholic Church. This includes managing the business operations and financial affairs of the parish; implementing and administering policies, procedures and practices to ensure proper facility operation; caring for parish buildings and grounds; and planning the future material and physical needs of the parish. The Operation and Facilities Ministry consists of the Tuesday Group, Communications, Office Volunteers, Safety and Security, Bulletin Advertising, Capital Improvement, and the Cemetery Committee. Click on the name of the ministry for additional information.


Charity & Outreach

Charity & Outreach – The Charity and Outreach Ministry is responsible for communicating any charitable needs (local and abroad) to the parish. They oversee the various parish activities that raise money for those outreach efforts to ensure that the charitable needs are met and not duplicated. The following committees fall under this ministry: the Haiti Mission, Joyous Junque, Respect Life, and the St. Vincent de Paul Team. Click on the name of the ministry for additional information.


Parish Community Life

Parish Community Life – The Parish Community Life Ministry promotes the spirit of community in the parish. This includes consistent and planned efforts to strengthen relationships among all parishioners to foster a truly hospitable atmosphere. This ministry is particularly concerned with reaching out to new and inactive members and involving them in parish activities. This ministry consists of the Busy Bees, Holy Strokes, Social Committee, Sunshine Committee, Ultreya & Cursillo, and Wednesday Women’s Group. Click on the name of the ministry for additional information.


Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care – The Pastoral Care Ministry provides support, comfort, and prayer to parishioners and their families in times of stress, loss, crisis, or life changing events. In responding to Jesus’s call to be good shepherds and share God’s love, we provide a non-judgmental listening presence in the strictest confidence. The committees that fall under this ministry’s umbrella include Communion to the Sick, Funerals, Healing Prayer, Lazarus Committee, and Ministry of Caring. Click on the name of the ministry for additional information.

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