Our Cemetery
Our cemetery is an extension of our parish. It is a place for prayer, reflection, hope, and remembrance. It is a vital part of Catholic life, expressing our faith, reverence, and respect for sacred burial on consecrated grounds. With the promise of everlasting life and the hope of resurrection in Christ, our cemetery offers a beautiful place to celebrate the treasured lives that have gone before us.
Click here for a video of an aerial view of our cemetery.
Click here for our current price list for burial plots and columbarium niches. Note: Parishioner prices apply to both RCC and HNM.
Click here for our Rules and Regulations.
Cremation is allowed in the Catholic faith, preferably after the Mass of Christian Burial in the church. The proper respect given to the body of the deceased is likewise to be accorded to the cremated remains, both in handling and in final disposition of cremated remains. Thus, the scattering of ashes or the reserving of ashes privately on mantel shelves or even in lockets or other mementos is not in keeping with the respect owed to the cremated remains of loved ones. Cremated remains can be buried or placed in the columbarium. Located next to the cemetery, the columbarium is a stone structured wall containing 144 niches for ashes.
If you have additional questions or you are considering a burial plot or columbarium niche, please contact the parish office at 540-297-5530 or Mark McLaughlin (Cemetery Manager) at 434-944-2924.