Charity & Outreach

The Charity and Outreach Ministry researches, recommends, prioritizes, and allocates money for area agencies and other charities. The following committees fall under this ministry: the Haiti Mission, Joyous Junque, Respect Life, and the St. Vincent de Paul Team.

The chairperson of the Charity and Outreach Ministry is Chuck Lieber.


The Haiti Mission leads the parish’s efforts in twinning with a Haiti orphanage and educates the parish on ongoing projects in Haiti. Due to current dangerous conditions, team members are not able to visit Haiti. Please take time to learn about the current conditions and how the country became one of the poorest in the world. Your financial support is crucial to the continued operation of our twinned ministries.

Joyous Junque

Joyous Junque – Joyous Junque is an annual rummage sale that raises funds for local charities. Saleable items are collected year-round and stored for the annual sale in June. Volunteers are needed for collecting and sorting the myriad of donated items. Many people are also needed at the time of the sale for set up and running the sale. Please call Ed Merz (804-854-3734) or Ed Janoski (540-529-6966) to volunteer. If you have items that need to be picked up, please call (540) 314-8404 for assistance.

Respect Life

Central to Catholic Social Teaching is respect for the life and dignity of the human person from conception to natural death. The Respect Life Committee offers opportunities for parishioners to get involved in active pro-life ministry through prayer and outreach. Some of the activities of the committee include annual trips for the Virginia Pro-Life Day and the National March for Life as well as participation in 40 Days for Life.

Saint Vincent de Paul

The St. Vincent de Paul Team provides short-term, limited financial assistance for rent, food, gas, electricity, etc. for financially needy in Bedford and Franklin counties, regardless of religious background. The team needs volunteers to help with screening of applicants. Please contact Sylvia Vancho at (540) 297-5941.

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